martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This year we celebrated at school the 100th anniversary of Roald Dahl. We learnt some things about his biography and we watched clips of two films based on his books, Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the story of Charlie Bucket, a little boy that is very poor and dreams of eating chocolate. One day, he finds a golden ticket in a chocolate bar and he visits Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, the biggest chocolate factory in the world.

After watching the trailer we learnt some sweets vocabulary and talked about our favourite sweets and desserts:

Talking about Sweets from Lorena Estrada

Finally, we designed our own chocolate bars and ice creams:




Past Simple - Regular and Irregular Verbs

Here you have some videos to practice the Past Simple tense (regular and irregular verbs):


martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Tips to improve your English

Now that the summer holidays are near, here you have some tips to practice and improve your English:

1. Watch films, TV shows or videos in English (you can use English subtitles). If you watch films you've already seen in Spanish, it will be easier for you to understand them.

2. Listen to music in English. You can find the lyrics of your favourite songs on the Internet or you can find videos with the lyrics on Youtube.

3. Use English learning apps and websites. Here you have some examples:
  • Duolingo
 Resultado de imagen de duolingo

  • LearnEnglish Kids (British Council)

  • LearnEnglish Teens (British Council)

4. Read stories, comics, etc in English. 

  • You can use graded readers for children like the following ones:
  • You can also find texts to read on the Internet:
         - LearnEnglish Teens - Reading skills practice

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016


In grade 6 we are learning how to talk about things we have planned or we intend to do. To do that we have to use the future form "going to". Here you have some videos about it: